Cheap Nights out in Perth

Cheap Nights out in Perth

(Aka Cheap Eats in Perth)


To help direct people to what has become the largest gathering of fans of this list (which has been a help with keeping the list updated):


I have decided to move this document from a normal copyright licence to a Creative Commons 'Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Australia' licence:

The location of the latest version of the list is here:

The Facebook group for this list:

To contact me with updates, requests, comments and so forth:

What this basically means is that if you want to use this, you may, just credit me. If you want to change it, migrate to a new medium, create a fork-project based on this, you may, BUT: you can't sell it for money, and you have to give other people the same freedom to use your work (ie. this licence).


Firstly, there seems to be a /lot/ of copy-pasting of my list WITHOUT CREDIT as of late. To lend a little credence to my claim of ownership, and to make it easier for people to find the list, I've created this site.

I whole-heartedly encourage the passing on of my list; Perth is (generally considered) a crazy expensive place to eat out at, compared to other places around the world. It doesn't have to be! There are great pubs, little Asian restaurants and the like around.

All I ask is that please: include credit and the date (of the version you're sending) when you do.

Original creation dates:

    • Original text file: Saturday, 29th of December 2007
    • Google Calendar version: 16 October 2008 (very out of date)
    • Google Docs: 2nd of December, 2009
      • Last updated: 7th of Feb, 2010

The location of the latest version of the list is here:

To contact me with updates, requests, comments and so forth: