
Forensic Science Students

at San José State University

Justice Studies Department

Are you studying forensic science or justice studies? Undeclared or considering an FS minor?

Do you listen to true crime podcasts? Or enjoy CSI, Criminal Minds, and other scientific crime shows?

If yes to any of the above, come check out SJSU's Forensic Science Students Club and learn about the many topics of forensic science, including DNA, toxicology, fingerprinting, anthropology, and more!

Spring 2022 Meetings

Fridays, 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

First Meeting: February 11

February 25

March 11

March 25

April 8

April 22

Final Meeting: May 6

Join our newsletter to receive updates, announcements, and the ZOOM links for meetings! https://tinyletter.com/forensicscience