
Inspiration comes of working with EUREKA


  • EUREKA is not developed now. (2014.4.25).
  • "Ethological Data Mining: An Automata-based Approach to Extract Behavioral Units and Rules" has been published! [Link] (2009.06.17)
  • Our paper "Ethological Data Mining: An Automata-based Approach to Extract Behavioral Units and Rules" has been accepted for Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. (2008/9/18)
  • EUREKA ver.1.0 release (2008/8/7)
  • Path problem of Graphviz for Windows (2008/1/4)
    • The installer graphviz-2.16.1.exe and later versions set wrong path. There are two soluations. See EUREKA Q&A.
  • Bug fix of EUREKA beta (2007/12/26)
  • EUREKA beta release (2007/12/21)

What is EUREKA?

EUREKA is a utility suit for ethoinformatics that quantifies sequential animal behavior and determining the rule that governs it. You can perform the following analyses with EUREKA:

  • information theoretic analysis,
  • extraction of probabilistic behavioral rule (N-gram model),
  • extraction of deterministic behavioral rule (Deterministic finite automaton)

in the sequential data of animal behavior.

EUREKA has been developed by the joint research of Laboratory for Biolinguistics, RIKEN Brain Science Institute (BSI) and Nishino Laboratory at The University of Electro-Communications (UEC). EUREKA has been programmed using Java and according to its policy, “Write once, Run anywhere,” so this softwere works on every platform if Java is installed in the computer.

EUREKA stands for "Ethoinfomatical Utilities for Rule Extraction and Knowledge Acquistion"; in addition, this is an ancient Greek word that appeared in Archimedes' famous anecdotage. This word means “I have found it!” Since we would like EUREKA users to have experiences similar to the one Archimedes had, this name has been selected. EUREKA is currently under development and will be distributed as an open source (GPL license) that everybody can use, modify, and distribute free of cost.

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If you have questions, comments, or bug reports, please email to:

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