중앙대학교 차세대 에너지소자 연구실

Advanced Energy Devices Lab. (AEDL)

Chung-Ang University, Seoul, South Korea

대학원생, 학부연구생, 박사후연구원 모집 중

We are looking for strongly motivated graduate students/postdocs. If you would like to become an exceptional engineer or a scientist, then join us. Please contact us via email (kangdwn@cau.ac.kr). 


Our Lab. was launched from 2018 spring in Chung-Ang University as Advanced Energy Devices Laboratory (AEDL) whose leader is Prof. Dong-Won Kang.

Our group has a primary research interest on development of highly efficient thin film solar cells (i.e. Perovskite solar cells as well as amorphous silicon, CIGS, and organic cells).

We design and fabricate promising light harvesters and efficient charge transport materials to construct such photovoltaic devices.

We also perform nano/microfabrications using nano-scale materials and apply novel nanostructures and designs for high performance energy conversion devices. Furthermore, the developed electronic materials can be applicable for LEDs, sensors/photodetectors, transistors, and other electronics. Based on above research, we hope to develop inexpensive, efficient, and stable power sources/electronics for our life.


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