By AutomatorMC and FlyinZ
Over 3 Million Downloads
For Minecraft Version 1.8.8
Follow beacons, Collect 23 Banners
Open world
No Rules
- Loot Chests are Randomly Placed Every Game -
- No Minimum Render Distance -
Attention YouTubers:
*Some dungeons have more playable content than entire adventure maps. There are 23 dungeons, you will need more than one recording session.
*If you close down a server while chests are generating it might cause a glitch. If chests stop spawning after restarting your server use the reset button in your Tools Book.
*Don't forget to select the Infinite Lives option when arriving at the Port. Default is 2 lives.
*If you lose a banner use the help book found in the Banner Wall to mark all banners as found.
*The help Books located around the map are very short YouTube videos showing what to do and are not monetized.
*Please link the official Google site https://sites.google.com/site/enderbentevolved This site is add-free by me and the only place I upload updates and fixes. No site has ever asked permission to host Enderbent and all are several updates behind.
Critical for Server:
1. Make this change to server.properties: enable-command-block=true
2. Copy resources.zip from map and paste into your resourcepacks folder. (Required for Shotgun and Magic Wands)
In game select: Options > Resource Packs > Open resource packs folder.
3. Select resources.zip as your top active Resource Pack
Once resources.zip is copied to your resourcepacks folder it may be renamed as you see fit.
Play in survival mode. There are no rules so you can trigger traps to see what happens or dig around to avoid them. All game settings are done automatically and you have the option to change difficulty in game at any time.
No instant death traps: If you see a pressure plate it likely activates a clock or animation for a scripted event. All clocks run only when needed to make your adventure completely free from lag.
Complete the Banner Wall: Your basic objective is to find passage home after being shipwrecked. Collecting Banners grants access to a new area with challenges, bosses, and legendary loot.
* Mobs level from 0-10 with Randomly Generated Unique and Legendary mini-bosses.
* Special Programmed Mob Attacks , Active Sword Augments, and Magic books.
* Tons of Secrets from Treasure Maps to Hidden Areas.
* Original AutomatorMC Redstone designed in LP
* Day and night versions of buildings
* Player can upgrade buildings with XP
* Casino with working Slots and Roulette
* Activate Construction Sites
* Video link help books
After completing the game you may return to the Over-world to summon Hell-on-Earth. Fight Giants and Dragons to fully test your acquired armor and weapons.
See Updates Page for more features