
Extinction memory damage - a new hypothesis on the cause of fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome and related disorders.

! New ! 8/2019: I have written two articles that summarize my hypotheses:

Dear reader, this site presents a hypothesis for a disease mechanism that is possibly involved in a wide array of currently unexplained medical phenomena that are associated with musculoskeletal problems, dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system and mood changes. Please start with the Introduction. Then, best continue with the Short version to get an overview of the matter. The Scientific version develops the hypothesis on a neuroscientific level.

Since I simply forgot to mention a license in many of my texts, I place from now on (8/2019) all my works on this homepage under the Creative Commons License "CC BY 4.0", also those carrying a license or a copyright sign.

Comments are very welcome as email to emd.as.etiology at the google mail service.

Thanks for your interest!

Rudger Kanding