Prayers Requested for the safe return of Fr. Tony

 and 40 other priests currently trapped in Israel

Received the following from Betty Pereira:

Hi all, can we please pray for the safety of our DRGS priest Fr. Tony Fernandes (Class of 64) & 40 priests from around the world visiting Israel for a Conference, who are trapped in Jerusalem, with bombs going off all around & all transport shut down.  Please Lord, deliver them to safety.


The Class of 64 has been communicating with Fr Tony, below are just some of his recent communications...

Oct 11, 9:58PM: 'Please continue to storm heaven.  My flight on Emirates was cancelled due to 'operational' reasons which you can rightly guess. Now another battle to get a seat.' 

Oct 12, 12:14 AM: 'Just back from the Sepulchre. Celebrated Mass for our class.' 

Oct 12, 6:33 AM: 'After much effort and effect of prayers, got news that I can fly out on Saturday (Oct 14) to be in London at 7.00 AM.' 

Oct 14:  'Back home after being assisted by the evacuation flight organised by the British Embassy.  My brother Menino and his wife Joanita to welcome me at Gatwick Airport. 

Thanks for your support of prayers 

Fr. Tony'