Dr. Md. Abdul Khan

Learning is never ending.......

Assistant Professor (Stage-3), Department of Physics, Aliah University

Mail: [drakhan.phys@aliah.ac.in][drakhan.rsm.phys@gmail.com]

Web: www.aliah.ac.in/department/Physics/

Address : Dept. of Physics, 2nd Floor, Left Wing, Aliah University Newtown Campus.

Phone: [+91 (33) 23416 6528 Extn. 3506] 

Dr. Md. Abdul Khan completed M. Sc. in Physics in 1994 and Ph. D. in Theoretical Nuclear Physics under the supervision of Prof. Tapan Kumar Das in 2002 from Calcutta University. The research work involved theoretical study of the structure of nuclear few-body systems using hyperspherical harmonics technique. His post doctoral research involves study of resonances in weakly bound systems applying formulation of supersymmetric quantum mechanics. In March 2010 Dr Khan joined Raiganj S N Mahavidyalaya where he taught Physics as Assistant Professor and started working on atomic few-body problems. While continuing research on atomic systems using hyperspherical harmonics technique, he joined Aliah University as Assistant Professor in Physics in November 2013. He collaborated with other physicists on deep sub-barrier fusion reactions of light nuclei and experiments on possible excitation modes of moderate nuclei. Apart from visiting national institutes for collaborative research work he also visited foreign institute as invited speaker, plenary speaker, as member of the international advisory committee and chairman of parallel session in international conference. His current research interests are focused on Structure of Exotic Atoms & Nuclei, Nuclear Reactions of Astrophysical Interest, Nuclear Matter at High Densities and System of coupled differential Equations. Dr Khan has around three dozen publications in reputed international journals and authored one book on Nuclear Astrophysics till date. Under his research supervision PhD degree awarded (01), PhD Thesis submitted (01), waiting for Ph.D. thesis submission (01), pursuing research (01). In 2023 Dr Khan has been awarded  a DST-SERB  project under State University Research Excellence (SURE) Scheme which is ongoing.