Grésigne (Three Chairs Recordings - TCR01)

Axel Dörner - trumpet
Leonel Kaplan - trumpet
Diego Chamy - percussion
Jean Pallandre - phonography


Subjective recording by Jean Pallandre at the Grésigne Forest, France, May 4, 2004

"The recording made in the forest is just a little over thirteen minutes in length, and has been expertly recorded by Jean Pallandre using careful microphone placements. The most obvious of these presents us with a continually flowing river in the foreground, loud and taking on a kind of almost white noise feel, into which the trio play their music. For the majority of the time the musicians improvise alongside and into the river sounds, matching the grey roar of the running water with breathy trumpet, or layering extended grainy sounds alongside. Near the end Chamy breaks the music up with a series of immediate chiming bells, so lifting the music out of its thin palette of roaring black and whitea nd adding pin pricks of colour.", Richard Pinnell, The Watchful War.