Home Page

In these pages you can view a sample of my pottery,

inspired by the amazing desert scenery surrounding my

home. My work includes decorative and functional pottery, both wheel-thrown and handbuilt. I create unique cacti and other succulent planters, functional

ware (Plates, trays, bowls, mugs, soap holders

etc.) and ornamental objects for home and garden. Each

item is uniquely handcrafted.

Great gifts for festivals or for weddings, anniversaries

and birthdays.

My work is on display and for sale at

my home at Midreshet Ben-Gurion, Negev Desert, Israel.

To schedule a visit and for orders please send an e-mail to

or call (+972) 0544-748595

or (+972) 08-653-2236 (can leave a message).

(Last updated 16.1.2016)