The Farmer Group

Department of Chemistry ~  Colorado State University

The Farmer group studies the air we breathe. We want to understand how humans change atmospheric chemistry - and thus air quality, forest ecology and climate. We use both laboratory and field measurements to study chemistry in both the gas and aerosol phases across environments ranging from the Arctic tundra to your kitchen! 

Want to learn more? 

Indoor Air:  Read a detailed article on CASA , health effects research on cooking and from HOMEChem, a broad introduction The Air We Breathe / El Aire Que Respiramos (English & Spanish), or about our new projects. Watch the Home Diagnosis show on PBS that featured HOMEChem, a full seminar on HomeChem results or a shorter talk on Outdoor sources of indoor aerosol

Wildfire smoke: Research at CSU ; Podcast and NatGeo article on wildfire smoke indoors; Full seminar on wildfire smoke effects on surfaces, leaves, and homes

Particle deposition: An article from DOE

From L->R: Rose Rossell, Joshi Rutambhara, Adam De Groodt, Lauren Garofalo, Mj Riches, Roman Liedtke, Katelyn Rediger, Tyson Berg, Delphine Farmer, Cameron Osburn, Rachel Greene, Lily Jones, Jienan Li, Soojin Lee

Missing: Michael Vermeuel (remote)

Affiliates: Emily Franklin (at CSIRO, Australia), Matson Pothier (at Aerodyne Research, Inc., Billerica), Rachele Ossola