Welcome to Crumble!

Crumble is a pure strategy game like go, chess, and checkers. It supports flashy combinations, subtle strategy and deep-laid plans. Single moves often contain multiple simultaneous attacks in different parts of the board, and clever defenses. And although played with simple square and half-square pieces on a square playing field, crumble positions are unbounded in their potential for subtlety and complexity.

Crumble games are beautiful. They’re beautiful conceptually, but they are also beautiful to simply look at, like works of art. They’re compelling. If you play crumble out in the open, people will stop and watch. If you are shy, you should only play crumble indoors or in other unpopulated locations like a desert or a cave. Otherwise the risk of meeting new people is simply too great to ignore.

You can play crumble online for free, at crumble-online.com. The site itself is an open source project, and there is also an open source java implementation of crumble available. And there's a very low-traffic mailing list for Crumble-related discussions and announcements.