Register for Winter Ladder League


Initial registration for the ladder league is closed. We are hoping to add another 2 courts to the league if possible. You may WAITLIST yourself by filling out the form on the left of this page.

Matches are held on Mondays from 8 to 10pm. The first match was Jan 6. The last match is March 9th.

Once you join the ladder league you will be charged $10 per match at the beginning of each month for the matches taking place during that month. You will pay at the front desk at Scarborough.

** Please make sure the person at the front desk puts a copy of the receipt in Jacqueline's mailbox! **

All months except March have 4 matches. March has 2 matches, and that month the fee will be $20.

You will receive an email with league information once you are a permanent member.

Question? Call Jacqueline Boggs 614 578-5326

Please email with any issues with this website.