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Chest Exercise

Pushups -

On knees or toes, place hands about 6 inches wider than your shoulders.

Inhale as you lower your body towards the floor, maintaining a straight line from head to toe.

Exhale as you push your body back up. Don't sink in the middle or pike your buttocks in the air and only lower your body until your shoulders are in line with your elbows.

flat beanch press

This is for chest and muscles of pectorals,intorial and middle deltoals.

Flat Bench Press

This is for chest and muscles of pectorals major, dealtoil interior part   and .triceps brachii long head & triceps brachii medial head .


Incline Dumbbell Press

A variation of the inclince barbell press is the incline dumbbell press. This is a great exercise to do if your lagging on the incline press or looking for something new to try:

This is for your chest and muscles of pectorals.

Weight lifting exercise position

Incline Bench Press

This works the upper area of the chest and the anterior or front part of the deltoids better than the flat bench. The movement is almost a cross between a flat bench press and an overhead press.

A 30-degree angle is all that is needed. If the angle is more than 30 degrees, the deltoids begin to move the weight.

1. Lie on a incline bench, feet firmly on floor.

2. Make sure that your butt, back, shoulders, and head are firmly

positioned on the bench.

3. Roll your shoulders back and down so the shoulder blades are firmly

pressed against the bench and the chest is sticking up. This should

result in the spine being slightly arched.

4. Your arms should be placed straight up with your hands gripping the

bar slightly wider than shoulder width.


5. Inhale and hold your breath as you lower the weight. When the bar

reaches the chest, even with your nipples, begin to move the weight

upward. Do not bounce the weight off your chest. This can cause

massive injuries.

6. Exhale as you pass the point of greatest resistance. Pause slightly at

the top of the movement and repeat.

The Incline Dumbbell Fly


1. While seated on the edge of an incline bench, grasp two dumbbells in an overhand grip.

2. Rest the dumbbells in an upright position on the edge of your knees.

3. Carefully lie on the incline bench, bringing the dumbbells to the sides of your torso at chest level. Make sure to bring the dumbbells up simultaneously. Feet should be planted firmly on the floor.

4. Slowly adjust the dumbbells with your arms fully extended at right angles to the floor. Press the weight up to the locked position. The dumbbells should be held directly over your chest area, slightly touching each other with palms facing inward.

5. Elbows must remain flexed throughout the entire movement.


1. Slowly lower your arms out to the side of your body with your arms at right angles. The dumbbells should be slowly lowered in an arc like motion toward the floor until your chest is comfortably stretched.

2. At the bottom position of the exercise your hands should be parallel the trunk of your body. Raise and repeat. The elbows should be slightly bent throughout the whole movement and should not be altered from start to finish (imagine your arms wrapping around a large tree).

Decline Bench Dumbbell Press

These movements are useful in isolating and strengthening the upper and lower pecs, the anterior and posterior deltoids and the triceps.

1. Lie on a declined chest machine, feet firmly on floor.

2. Make sure that your butt, back, shoulders, and head are firmly

positioned on the bench.

3. Roll your shoulders back and down so the shoulder blades

are firmly pressed against the bench and the chest is sticking

up. This should result in the spine being slightly arched.


4. Your arms should be placed straight up with your hands

gripping the weight.

5. Inhale and hold your breath as you lower the weight. When it

reaches the chest, begin to move the weight upward.

6. Exhale as you pass the point of greatest resistance. Pause

slightly at the top of the movement and repeat.

Flat Bench Dumbell Flyes

Dumbbell flyes are an excellent isolation exercise for the chest.

This is for chest and muscles of pectorials.



Peck Deck

This Exercise for pectoralis major. Also affected coracobrachialis and biceps short head. Good for beginners for gaining strength and move to more complex exercise.


- Sit in pectoral machine and put your elbows relax into the pads.

- Place inside of arms against pads, elbows bent to 90 degrees.

- Pull arms inward and together.Inhale and force the pads together until they touch in front of checst.

- Return to start position and repeat and Exhale as complete the movement