Carl Gaigné
Directeur de Recherche/Research Fellow, INRAE
Professeur Associé/Associate Professor, Laval University (Canada)
Affiliation: UMR SMART, INRAE & Institut Agro, Rennes
Main fields of interest
Long run and distributional effects of trade and environmental regulations
Regional and Urban Economics | International Economics | Agricultural Economics
Lecture The rise of land rent and its macroeconomic implications. December, 2024. [Slides]
Report The next reform of the CAP: The variables in the equation. Requested by the European Parliement [Long version]
Working Papers
Land, Wealth, and Taxation (with R. Brunetti & F. Moizeau) [Latest version ; Online appendix]
Promoting Domestic Industry. Quantifying the Effects of Reducing Labor Cost and Upgrading Quality (with Z. Bouamra-Mechemachey & S. Turolla) [Lastest version ; Slides]
New Publications
Gaigné C. (2024) Transitions agricoles et dynamiques de spécialisation. Revue Innovations Agronomiques 93, 1-26. [pdf version]
Gaigné C. & B. Larue (2024). Do quality regulations enhance welfare? A reply. American Journal of Agriculture Economics, forthcoming [pdf version]
Disdier A.C., C. Gaigné & C. Herghelegiu (2023) Do Standards Improve the Quality of Traded Products ? Canadian Journal of Economics 56(4), 1238-1290 [Latest version]
Brunetti R. C. Gaigné & F. Moizeau (2023) Credit Market Imperfections, Urban Land Rents, and the Henry George Theorem. Revue Economique 74, 681-703. [Latest version]
Gaigné C., H. Koster, F. Moizeau & J.-F. Thisse (2022) Who Lives Where in Cities? Amenities, Commuting and Income Sorting, Journal of Urban Economics 128, 103 394, [Pre-print] [Version with endogenous income, Appendix].
Gaigné C. & C. Gouel (2022) Trade in Agricultural and Food Products in Barrett C. B. & Just D. R. (ed.) Handbook of Agricultural Economics. Volume 6, Chapter 88 (pp. 4845–4931). Elsevier. [Appendix, Pre-print]
Gaigné C. & J.-F. Thisse (2021) New Economic Geography and the City. In Fisher M. & Nijkamp P. (eds) Handbook of Regional Science, Springer, 2nd Edition, 1179-1221. [pdf version]
Please use the menu to navigate through my (i) Work in progress, (ii) Academic publications (iii) Policy papers & Reports. For all my articles, there is a freely available version. If you want the publisher version, send me an email.
Other informations
Twitter: @carlgaigne
My RePEc Page
Contact: Email carl.gaigne[at] | Postal address Carl Gaigné, INRAE, 4 Allée Bobierre, F-35000 Rennes