Dr. Ruichu Cai, Professor

I am currently a Professor in the School of Computer Science, Guangdong University of Technology, Director of Data Mining and Information Retrieval Lab 

I have moved to ruichucai.github.io

Research Interests

My research interests focus on causal discovery, causality-related learning,  and their applications to social science, bioinformatics, and industries.

Academic Background

I pursued my undergraduate study in the Applied Mathematics Department at South China University of Technology and got my bachelor's degree in 2005.

After that, I continued my postgraduate study in the Computer Science Department at the same university and got my Ph. D in 2010.

I was a visiting student at the National University of Singapore in 2007-2009.

I was a Postdoc Researcher at Advanced Digital Sciences Center (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign's Research Center in Singapore) in 07/2013-07/2014. 

Selected Publications

Professional Activities

Senior PC: AAAI 2019-2021, IJCAI 2019-2021

PC: AAAI 2015-2019, IJCAI 2018-2019, NIPS 2016-2018, ICML 2015-2018, AISTATS 2016-2019, ICLR 2018-2019  SIGKDD Workshop on Causal Discovery 2016-2018, 

Publication Co-Chair: APWEB 2015

Reviewer: TNNLS, TKDE, TIST, Neural Network, Pattern Recognition, Bioinformatics, Neurocomputing, Information Sciences,  National Science Review, Plos ONE, Science China-Information Sciences
