Species information


Click on the "Species account" links below for information and sample maps of Berkshire distribution, alongside national distribution maps from the National Biodiversity Network, for a small selection of species. The amount of information included varies, and the species shown are a fairly random selection, usually based on whichever species someone last asked a question about!

The Berkshire maps display data held on the county MapMate database, maintained by Martin C. Harvey. The database includes records supplied by members of the Berkshire Moth Group along with many other individuals and organisations.

The NBN national maps include data from a wide range of sources, now including the National Moth Recording Scheme for macro-moths (to which we send copies of the Berkshire records).

Click on the "Photos" links for voucher photos where available.

[UPDATE 3/11/2011: Google has changed its link structures, so some of the links below need repairing.]

Species information — List page from Classic Sites