Mr. Jeff Viso

Mr. Viso has been teaching since 1998.  He has professionally taught Honors Algebra, Honors Geometry, Honors Trigonometry, College Algebra, Honors Precalculus, Honors Calculus, and AP Calculus AB.  He is certified to teach in the Maricopa Community College District and has been teaching Dual-Enrollment courses for college credit since 2006. 


Degrees held:    Associate of Arts: Scottsdale Community College

                         Bachelor of Arts in Secondary Education with emphasis on mathematics: Arizona State University

                         Master of Arts in Secondary Education: Northern Arizona University


Room: 433         Office Hours: 7:00-7:30 Mon-Fri


Mr. Viso's Schedule:

Period 1: MAT 187-Honors Precalculus

Period 2: MAT 187-Honors Precalculus

Period 3: MAT 187-Honors Precalculus

Period 4: MAT 187-Honors Precalculus


Contact information:The best way to contact me would be by email at  I can also be reached by phone:  (623) 445-8824