America's Pastime

Here is our collection of memorabilia, odds and ends, pictures, etc., that reflect our 60+ years of life with baseball.

We have lived and died (oh, so many times!) watching the Cubs. But whether on TV or at the friendly confines, the ebb and flow,the highs and lows of the game always make the time special.

We painted this banner in 1977! Wendy drew the Cub based on a picture in a scorecard of that era. Every year since then, we put it up on Opening Day and take it down after the last Cubs game is played. When we were younger, we used to sit in the bleachers in the first row in center field, right over the concession stand. Thus, the twine with which we hung it on the railing. The buttons are from 1984 and reflect my kids' favorite players at that time: Andrew's was Ron (The Penguin) Cey; Emily's was Jody (JO-DEEEE) Davis. And yes, Em was barely 2 years old at the time!

And our long years of suffering were finally rewarded in 2016 when the Cubs became WORLD CHAMPIONS!!!!! Hey Hey and Holy Cow! It really happened.

So sit back, grab a tall, cold one (beer or Frosty malt; your choice), and enjoy! (Choose from the different pages.)

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