Badri Narayanan Gopalakrishnan, PhD

Welcome to the web page of Badri Narayanan Gopalakrishnan, PhD!

I'm an economist, currently working with Government of India (NITI Aayog) as Fellow, where I was formerly Lead Advisor and Head, Trade and Commerce and Strategic Economic Dialogue, International Co-operation and Vision India@2047, at the rank of Joint Secretary (Equivalent to Assistant Secretary in the US). 

I have also been wearing a few different hats, while being based in Seattle, USA:

1. Founder and Director, Infinite Sum Modelling Inc. Seattle

2. Courtesy Faculty Member, Oregon State University 

3. Affiliate Faculty Member in Applied Economcis, Boston College

4. Affiliate Faculty Member at the School of Environment and Forestry Sciences, University of Washington Seattle

5. Senior Fellow, European Centre for International Political Economy (ECIPE, Brussels) 

6. Senior Fellow, National Council for Applied Economic Research (NCAER) New Delhi

7. Non Residential Fellow, Center for Social and Economic Progress (CSEP, New Delhi)

8. Consultant, Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER, New Delhi) 

9. Member, Advisory Board, United Nations ESCAP ARTNET and consultant with UN, World Bank, ILO, WHO, FAO, etc.

10. Member, Board of Directors, British American Business Council (BABC)

11. Founder and Director, Cancer Aid Society Inc., a 501c(3) Organization in Seattle

12. Co-founder and Director, Policy Modeling Association for Inclusive Development, a Section 8 non-profit organization in New Delhi, India

13. Advisor: Athena Infonomics, Datanetiix, Global India Trade and Cultural Council, MSME Business Forum India, Global MSME Devnet Pvt Ltd and a few more companies/organizations.


Lead Consultant - Economic Modelling at McKinsey and Company

Research Economist and Affiliate Faculty Member, Purdue University

In 2017, I was also awarded with the title 'GTAP Research Fellow'

I have visited 30 countries in all continents!

Here is my CV (a much shorter version is here) and Google Scholar profile , for more details on my work.

Here is a recent citation of my and my former Center's work by The Economist

Our ADB report on Covid economic impact and on Covid impact on remittances and migration (Blog from link is here) were covered extensively by global media . Also an e-book has been published covering some of these studies

Our UNCTAD Report on Covid impact on tourism has also been covered by global media 

Our recent work has been published in Nature Communications -  this is on carbon pricing

Our recent work with the Commonwealth Secretariat has been on Medical Supply Chain and India-Commonwealth trade slowdown 

Here are some (but not complete list of) works. My SSRN, IDEAS and GTAP pages have more papers. 

Here's the syllabus of latest course that I developed and taught in Autumn 2019 for the Jackson School of International Studies, University of Washington Seattle; this is about Global Trade and Disruptive Technologies

My heartfelt thanks to all my coauthors for their exciting and fruitful collaboration.

Please feel free to e-mail me (badrig at uw dot edu) if you are interested in one or more of my published/working papers listed on my CV.

Public Health and Sustainability

Global Economic Burden of Select Diseases

Economic and health impact of global trade regulations to restrict BPA and to restrict Nano-Textiles

Trade agreements and public health issues

Tobacco control and employment

International Trade

Using CGE (Computable General Equilibrium Modelling)

Special Safeguard Mechanism and Specific Tariffs

UN Report on trade and sustainable development

US Chamber of Commerce report on US-China trade wars

McKinsey report on GVCs

Note on TPP and Forestry

Public Procurement and Free trade agreements

On BREXIT's trade impact

 EU-India FTA (Published in Margin)

On TPP, TTIP and their impact on India  (Published in a book)

On Tariff Concessions in East Asia

Price Volatility, Tariff Structure and Special Safeguard Mechanism (2015 AAEA Conference Proceedings, R&R in Economic Modelling)

on Trade and labor productivity in Sub-Saharan Africa (Submitted for review in Journal of African Economies)

on TPP and its impacts on India  (Published in Margin)

on Export Subsidies in Textile Sector (Published in Margin)

on Tariff Escalation and Export Shares in Agricultural and Processing Sectors (Published, after revisions, in Economic Modelling)

on Trade with China and US Labor Market  (Published, after revisions, in Economic Modelling)

on a Global Economic Dataset for CGE Modelling (Published, after revisions, in Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, Japan)

on Disaggregated CGE Modelling (Published, after revisions, in Economic Modelling)

on EU's FTA with Latin America (Published as a EU Policy Document) 

Using Econometric (Time-Series) Methods

Globalization and Economic Growth

on Exchange rate, productivity and Exports: Indian textile Sector (Published in JISPE)

on Phasing out of MFA Quotas in Indian Textiles (Published in Regional and Sectoral Economic Studies)

Using Applied Industrial Organisation

on Trade Reforms, Technology and Profits (Published, after revisions, in Applied Economics Letters)

on Mergers, Trade Reforms and Profits (one part revised and published in JQE, another part revised and published in Applied Economics Letters)


Global Trade, Assistance and Production: Version 8

Global Trade, Assistance and Production: Version 7

Competitiveness of Indian Auto Sector 

Agricultural and Food Policy

A chapter in a Compendium on Water resources (Jal Jeevan) released by Water Resources minister of India, focusing on disruptive technologies , Segment 3

Impact of India's Food Security Policy Across Household Types (2015 AAEA Conference Proceedings)

Agricultural Production, Climate Change and Water Scarcity in India (2015 AAEA Conference Proceedings)

Economic Growth Dynamics and Water Scarcity in India (2015 AAEA Conference Proceedings)

Energy-Water Nexus in South Asia (2014 AGU Meeting Proceedings)

World Bank study on agricultural productivity and investment gaps in India

Consumer Preferences for Food Transparency: An Interview Study

Field Study on Undernourishment in Rural UP India

Industrial Economics

Using Econometric (Time-Series) Methods and Descriptive Data Analysis

on Time Series Analysis of Production in Indian Textiles Sector (Published in Applied Economics single-authored)

on the economic structure of Indian Textile Sector (a chapter in a book published by UNESCAP and another version in India development Report by Oxford University Press), single-authored

on Indian Auto Sector (A small part thoroughly updated and revised, forthcoming in Review of Development and Change)

on Economic History of Indian Textiles (single-authored)

Textile industry's structure in India

My PhD Dissertation on economic issues in Indian Textile Sector (single-authored, under the supervision of the PhD committee).

Energy and Environment

Using Econometric and Simulation Methods

Nature Communications paper on carbon pricing

World Bank paper on Economics of Paris Accord

World Bank Paper on Trade, Green Economy and Gender Equity

World Bank Paper on Climate Change Policies and Employment

World Bank report on Climate Change and water scarcity in Bulgaria

on EU bio-fuels policy 

on Energy (about Global Inter-fuel Substitution, Revised and Re-submitted to Energy Economics)

on Pollution Control using Indigenous Technologies  (Book chapter published by the Academic Foundation and Indian Economic Association, SIngle-authored) 

Contributed to McKinsey Report on the future of Minerals (Supercycle)

Labor Economics

Using Econometric (Panel) Methods

on Employment in Indian Textile Sector 

Contributed to Mckinsey report on AI/Automation, Skill Development and future of work

Contributed to McKinsey report on future of work in NewZealand


Covid-19 impact on students: perspective from India

Covid-19 impact on instructors: perspective from Maharashtra, India

Inter-disciplinary Works

Data Science and Disruptive Technologies

Visualization of Economic Datasets (Published in Engineering Design and Graphics Journal)

Economics in Recommendation Systems

Mining the Change of Customer Behavior in Dynamic Markets 

Economics of Cloud services

Digital Transformation in a Post-Covid era

Blockchain and trade - published in a book by Cambridge University Press

Contributed to McKinsey report on Productivity Dynamics and Digitization  

ECIPE paper on tariffs on cross-border data transmissions (got a lot of global media coverage)

ECIPE paper on economic cost of ex ante regulations of technologies (got a lot of global media coverage)

US-China tariffs and their impact on ICT sector (got a lot of global media coverage)

Network Science

Maritime Trade Network Effects of Global Economic Crisis, DRAFT presented in TRB Conference and published in Network and Spatial Economics

Evolution of trade networks in the Commonwealth

Popular Media articles

Wallethub, USA: On TPP

Swarajya: On Indian Budget 2016-17

MarketExpress: Few articles on Indian industry

Economic Times: India pulling out of RCEP: Pros and Cons ; here's a free version of the same

Economic Times: Electric Vehicles in India


Business Standard:

The Daily Guardian: Our proposed new Quad++ group of countries for strategic and economic cooperation

The Daily Guardian: EU-India cooperation

The Daily Guardian: India-UK relationship

The Daily Guardian: The Abraham Accord and India

The Daily Guardian: Bidenomics and India

The Daily Guardian: Review of the year 2020 

Financial Express: India-US business cooperation in the "new geopolitical normal"

Financial Express: Self Reliant India and US-India Technology Collaborations

Financial Express: Science, Technology and Innovation Policy 2020 in India

PolicyCircle: India's trade policy with the rest of South Asia

PolicyCircle: RCEP and TPP: A Tale of two global agreements and leaders 

On Covid impact on different sectors of the economy:

Economic Times: Indian Automotive Industry 

Economic Times: Indian Commercial Vehicles

Economic Times: Recovery in Indian Automotive Industry

Economic Times: Green Shots in Indian Automotive Industry

Economic Times: Chinese Dependence and self reliance in Indian Automotive Industry 

MoneyControl: Indian Economy (Overall)

MoneyControl: Migration, Urban Agglomeration and Policy Response  

MoneyControl: SMEs, Disruptive Innovation and Covid  

MoneyControl: Offshoring and Data Analytics

MoneyControl: Climate Change and Covid-19 Response

EEPC: EEPC Government of India's Report on Covid Impact

Policycircle: Covid impact on tourism in India

Policycircle: Guidelines for Data Use for Covid

Some Online recordings of interviews and webinars:

On Covid Economic impact: 

Risk Group LLC Roundup Interview  

VoiceAmerica Radio Interview

On workflows post Covid  (Password: NECF)

Smartkarma Insight 2020 Panel on Trade and Supply Chains post COVID

Industrial and Technical textiles

Key Note address at a joint conference by IEEE, Computer Society of India, ACM on Reskilling and Skill Development post Covid

Special Address in SByte Technologies International Web Conference on Covid, Digital Transformation and Sustainability

Law and Economics discussion on Covid impact on India and the fiscal measures announced to combat it

Webinar on global economic impact of Covid and the way forward for KASB Securities, London

Research Seminar on Economic Impact of Covid and Global Policy Shifts on India and the World

Fire side chat with Champions series: interviewed by Deepak Pareek, Founder DigiAgri, on Covid Impact

Supply chain, trade, environmental and policy impact of Covid-19 : A Boston College Panel Discussion

Panel discussion on Covid impact

Disruptive Technologies in a Global Economy: Part 1 and Part 2

SByte Conference : Address on educational disruptions

SByte Conference : Covid impact on education

SByte Conference: Digital Transformation and Covid

Other topics:

WSCRC Panel Discussion with Ted Aldin (CFR) and Matt Goodman (CSIS), on RCEP

Thinktank your startup: Podcast interview for HelloFuture

LA Blockchain Summit: Panel discussion on Blockchain for non-profits

An NIFT Lecture on Analytics and Economic Modelling for Apparel Business

Radio Interview On US-China trade wars

Economic Modelling and Analytics for fashion industry for NIFT New Delhi

Interview On Cryptoeconomics 

On Alternative Fuel Technologies - with a focus on presentation slides

On India's Budget

On SDGs and trade ( part 2 )

On Blockchain Use Cases (BEF, SFO)

On Blockchain Use Cases (UW Blockchain Expo)

On Blockchain Use Cases (Blockchain Seattle)

On AI/Deep learning for policy

Key note address in Bath University On Advances in Trade Policy Analysis 

 Seminars/Webinars/Panel discussions as a civil servant:

A series of webinars and seminars organised under my leadership at NITI to develop capacity in trade policy research and analytics in India and elsewhere:

NITI webinar on CGE modeling:

NITI webinar on India's recent trade agreements:

NITI webinar on doubling agricultural exports from India:

NITI seminar on competencies for global trade:

NITI-UNESCAP seminar on Trade Intelligence and Negotiations Advisor:

NITI webinar on SMEs, Unicorn and Trade Policies:

NITI seminar on Physical Input Output models for trade policy:

NITI-ADB workshop on Multi Region Input Output tables - 4 parts:

NITI-CEPII webinar on trade anaytics tools by CEPII:

NITI-ITC Geneva webinar on tools developed by ITC for trade policy analytics:

NITI seminar on Trade and Economic Implications of Electric Vehicles: 

NITI-KAS-ICRIER webinar panel on BIMSTEC trade and investment:

India Vision 2047 and G20 Leadership Panel with Asia Society Seattle: 

ICRIER Panel on beverages trade in Australia India ECTA:

ICRIER Panel on beverages:

India Factoring Webinar on trade policy: 

Agriwatch interview on decarbonizing global agricultural value chain - starting at 1:21:00 :

IIM R BUdget 2022 discussion:

ICRIER Panel on India Japan partnership:

OpEds written as a Civil Servant:

Some coverage in the news:

This is my blog, my LinkedIn and ResearchGate profiles (not updated regularly).