Ashwin Ganesan's Homepage
Most recently, I served as a Professor at ATLAS SkillTech University in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, where I taught the following courses:
Spring 2024
Introduction to Algorithms
Linear Algebra
Research and Publications
Research Areas
Distributed algorithms
Graphs and algorithms in communication networks
Discrete mathematics and graph theory
Interconnection networks
Applied combinatorics
Some Recent Papers
A. Ganesan,
"The Structure of Hypergraphs Arising in Cellular Mobile Communication Systems,"
To appear in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. [ doi, preprint ]A. Ganesan and A. Narasimhamurthy,
"An Algorithm for the Multi-Depot, Multi-Vehicle Routing Problem with Capacity Constraints,"
Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE World Conference on Applied Intelligence and Computing (AIC 2024), Gwalior, India, July 2024. [ doi ]A. Ganesan,
"Performance analysis of distance-1 distributed algorithms for admission control under the 2-hop interference model,"
Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 947, February 2023. [ doi ]A. Ganesan,
"Structured Hypergraphs in Cellular Mobile Communication Systems,"
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN '23), pp. 188-196, Kharagpur, India, January 2023. [ doi, Technical Report version ]A. Ganesan,
"On some distributed scheduling algorithms for wireless networks with hypergraph interference models,"
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 67, no. 5, pp. 2952-2957, May 2021. [ preprint , doi ]A. Ganesan,
"Performance analysis of a distributed algorithm for admission control in wireless networks under the 2-hop interference model,"
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN '21), pp. 96-105, Nara, Japan, ACM, January 2021. [ Technical Report, doi , TechRxiv ]A. Ganesan,
"Performance guarantees of distributed algorithms for QoS in wireless ad hoc networks,"
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 28, pp. 182-195, February 2020. [ doi, PDF, preprint ]