Prof. Dr. Artur Caetano
I am a tenured professor of Information Systems at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), University of Lisbon, Portugal, where I lecture on enterprise architecture, business process management, conceptual modelling, and object oriented design. The main focus of my research is the application of semantic data processing techniques to aid the representation, analysis and design of enterprise models. I conduct my research activities as a senior researcher at the Information and Decision Support Systems group at INESC-ID, and participate in knowledge-transfer projects as a consultant at the Centre for Organizational Design & Engineering at INOV. I have participated in multiple consultancy and knowledge transfer projects for the public and private sectors, as well as in European framework programme research and development projects, such as TIMBUS, E-ARK and 4C. I regularly serve the program committee and editorial boards of international information systems conferences and journals, and have been involved in the organization of international workshops on enterprise modelling and engineering. I am a member of ACM, IEEE, INCOSE, and CIAO Enterprise Engineering Network.
Research areas
Enterprise engineering
Enterprise modelling
Business process management
Information management
Digital preservation
Semantic techniques
Conceptual modelling