Arno Pucher @ Google

Me in my "project" t-shirt.

Short primer to my places in the Web: (a basic and hopefully humourous introduction to myself - also theres my german Blog there).

Also you can get a glance of daily tidbits by following my tweets at: or have a look at

Special Note To All Geocacher's Out There:

Dedicated to the art of geocaching is also a small little primer I wrote for hosting my mailing list (a Google Group) for organizing the "Kårntner Geocacher Stammtisch" in Klagenfurt.

If you are a Geocacher (and more or less located in Kärnten) feel free to read the instructions (in german) and join our small list of geocaching enthusiasts.

Hopefully you enjoy this small piece (and the other sites out there from me).

(C) 2011 by Arno Pucher