
Course: Numerical Methods (數值方法)

Credit: 3

Class: 資工系大四選修

Hours: 星期三 9: 10-12:00

Instructor: 邱志義 (e-mail:

Teaching Assistant: 陳昱先 (e-mail:

Course Description

  1. Teach students who want to learn and apply practical numerical methods in order to solve problems in engineering and science.

  2. Teach students to use Python in solving numerical problems.


  1. (Textbook) Steven C. Chapra, Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists, 4/e. McGRAW-Hill, 2018.

  2. Python Software Foundation (official site)

  3. Python Basics (my YouTube online course)

  4. Python Basics (UC Berkeley CS188 Intro to AI -- Course Material)

  5. Anaconda (an easy way to install Python in your computer) (Please install 3.x version)

  6. Numerical Python (a electronic resource in NCYU library)


  1. Homework (30%): Several problem sets including programming. Delay and plagiarism will get zero!

  2. Mid-term (30%)

  3. Final-term (40%)