John Sutton's Chapel Lane

This from Andrew Shillito:

As webmaster I sometimes get to receive some great 3mm pictures which it gives me great pleasure to put onto the site. In this collection of pictures from the camera of John Sutton we see a section of his layout which has been in progress for some time and which gives that feeling of 'being there' which we all aim for. I hope that you enjoy them as much as I did.

A view across the coal yard from the station platform, with Chapel Lane in the distance

A GCR J11 shunts the coal yard. Gilfrey's Siding on the left

A view along Gilfrey's Siding, with the Primitive Methodist Chapel glimpsed in the distance, beyond the buildings on Chapel Lane

GER J69 68635 waits at the ungated crossing before continuing up the Middle Siding to collect empty wagons from the bone work

An end view of the Admiral Rodney - stables behind, Chapel Lane in the front

The primitive Methodist Chapel, based on the one at Sutton-on-the-Hill in South Derbyshire

04/8 2-8-0 63674 squeezes between the chapel and Burrell's High Class Shoe Repairs

A view up Chapel Lane: the Admiral Rodney pub on the left and the big-house wall in the distance, beyond the crossing

Looking back towards the crossing cottage garden on the left, H B Holland's bakery in the centre

Looking over the garden wall towards the chapel as 68635 propels wagons to the bone works

Almost all of the 28 inch width of the Chapel Lane ensemble

Chapel, footpath and big house wall

Chapel and Stile

Looking backtowards Gilfrey's Siding from the level crossing which a J11 has just crossed

The Admiral Rodney Yard, with the rear of Holland's bakery beyond

An Austerity picks its way over the level crossing while a Foden S20 flatbed waits

The coal yard gate is just behind the Admiral Rodney stables

Back in the coal yard, looking towards Gilfrey's Maltings

Time to return to the passenger station, where a Director waits with a Nottingham Victoria train

Photos by John Sutton

Last updated: 18-05-21