

A package for CTF determination of non-astigmatic images in electron cryomicroscopy

J.J. Fernández (1,2), S. Li (1), R.A. Crowther (1)

(1)  MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge CB2 2QH, UK.

(2) Dept. Computer Architecture. Univ. Almeria. 04120 Almeria. Spain.

Contact: jjfernandez.software @ gmail.com


This package implements a method for CTF determination of non-astigmatic images in electron cryomicroscopy. The approach to CTF detection and defocus determination is based on periodogram averaging together with a spline-based strategy for background subtraction. This package is a particularisation of TOMOCTF, the package for CTF determination and correction in electron cryotomography, for single micrographs in electron cryomicroscopy.

A detailed description of the procedures implemented in the package are in the following article:

CTF determination and correction in electron cryotomography

J.J. Fernandez, S. Li, R.A. Crowther

Ultramicroscopy 106:587-596, 2006.


Please, cite this article if you use EMCTF in your works.


Current version: December 2007

Available material:

The development of emctf has been supported by the Spanish MEC and MCI, J.Andalucia, Human Frontier Science Program, European Molecular Biology Organization and the 3DEM Network of Excellence.

Copyright by the author.