Welcome to St. Elizabeth's PreK classroom and welcome to our 2024 - 2025 Pre-K Google site.  On this site, I will keep you updated on weekly learning objectives and information. I will also post pictures of our students for you to get a glimpse of our daily learning activities and fun.  

At St. Elizabeth, our biggest goal is to teach to the "whole child." That means we will do more than learn our ABC's and 123's. Besides academics, your child's future success also depends on developing their social and emotional skills and beginning to develop their faith. Because we are 3 & 4 years old, my goal is to accomplish most of this through play. Play is extremely important to keep your child interested, motivated and engaged as they learn and have fun in PreK!

I look forward to getting to know you and your child and watch their amazing development throughout the school year as your child grows as a learner. 

Thank you, 

Susan Molloy

2024 - 2025 PreK Family Tree

Week 3/3 - 3/7

Last week we continued with our rainbow theme as we reviewed letters, matched uppercase and lowercase letters and practiced improving our fine motor skills sorting rainbow colored beads and putting them onto pipe cleaners. The kids also learned about primary colors and created some beautiful secondary colors experimenting with paint. We read a few books about leprechauns and watched some videos on ideas for building leprechaun traps so we'll be ready on Monday to construct some. We will break into small groups and I will give them building materials for them to construct their traps, we'll see what happens ;)

Upper and lowercase letter review. Read it, write it and build it.

Matching the lowercase letter to the uppercase one. 

More letter and number review.

Spell, trace, build and write your name.

Rainbow color sort and stringing beads.

Number review

Sorting, counting, graphing then eating Lucky Charms marshmallows.....they're magically delicious you know! :)

Sporadically, I'm going to challenge the kids with some critical thinking activities. These activities are more abstract and sometimes challenging for some. We started last week where the kids had to match 2 pictures that somehow went together (the easy part). Then they had to tell me why they go together (sometimes the challenging part). They all did a pretty good job. 

Creating secondary colors of different shades of orange, green and purple.

Designing our leprechaun traps.

Our beautiful rainbow string art.

Free play pictures

They thought they were pretty cool with keys attached to their pants!

Thank you Mrs. Mason for the Fat Tuesday beads!

Vincent's giraffe.

HaPpY BiRtHdAy to our newest 5 yr old!! Thank you for the birthday donuts, they were delicious!!

Last week, James was chosen to take our friend Pete the Cat home. On Friday after school, they made a stop at Costco for some snacks. Over the weekend they watched a movie, played outside in James' backyard, read bedtime stories and said nightly prayers. Sounds like an enjoyable and relaxing weekend!! Thank you James for taking good care of Pete!

Pete is spending spring break with me. I'll share a few pictures next week.

Learning objectives for week 3/17 - 3/21


Hope everyone has a blessed and fun spring break week!!