Upcoming Lab Hours
Days/Hours subject to change - check here before you plan to come in
Monday, Mar. 10, 2:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Tuesday, Mar. 11, 2:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Wednesday, Mar. 12, 2:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Monday, Mar. 17, 2:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Tuesday, Mar. 18, 2:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Wednesday, Mar. 19, 2:30 PM - 5:00 PM
*The Lab doors are locked (and alarmed) by the Library staff outside posted user hours.
*The Lab DOES NOT operate if the Library is closed or there is no school - including snow days
RTC Policy Board Info
Next Meeting Date:
Monday, January 27; 4:00 - 5:00 PM
Location: Zoom Meeting
Meeting Dates
January 27, 2025
March 24, 2025
May 19, 2025
June 2, 2025
June 10, 2025 (if needed)
Policy Board Info (PB Members Only)
What are your current Teacher Center needs? We'd like to know! Please Take Our
Director: Jessica Lattimore
Program Specialist: Stephanie Darcangelo
Lab Assistant: Kristopher Rutherford
Email: Rometc01@gmail.com
Phone: 315-336-4570 x248
Follow us on FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/RomeTeacherResourceCenter/
DIRECTIONS (Once inside the Library):
Access the Lab by going up the stairs by the Reference Desk, around the stacks to the right, down the hallway through the green door on the right marked "LOCAL HISTORY/GENEALOGY AND QUIET STUDY ROOM" and then through the double doors on the left.
Take the elevator to the Second Floor and follow the signs to the Conference Room. Go through the double doors and you have arrived!
Rome Teacher Center Offering
*You may register in Frontline: Once registered, you will receive more information and a survey to complete.
For more detailed information on our offerings please visit the Winter Workshops tab at the top of the page.
RTC Support RomeCSD Teacher Aides on the Pathway to NYS Level I Teacher Assistant Certification
Location: Rome Teacher Center
Facilitator: Stephanie Darcangelo & Jessica Lattimore
Audience: RCSD Teacher Aides
Date: TBA
Time: TBA
Pathway to NYS Level I Teacher Assistant Certification" is a comprehensive workshop series designed to guide aspiring teacher assistants through the certification process. This program will provide participants with the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to meet all requirements for the NYS Level I Teaching Assistant Certificate. This workshop series will equip participants with the tools and knowledge needed to navigate the certification process confidently and begin their careers as effective teaching assistants in New York State schools.
Educating Students Experiencing Homelessness, Instability, and Disengagement by Ruby Payne; Book Study
Location: Blended: Google Classroom, Live Zoom
Facilitator: Jessica Lattimore
Audience: Open to all educators
Study Runs from: January 13 - February 14, 2025
Zoom #1: 1/27/2025
Zoom #2: 2/10/2025
Zoom Times: 5:30 - 6:30 PM via Zoom
Credit: 10 contact hours/ CTLE Hours
*The book will be provided
This book study will explore how instability affects students, the classroom environment, and educators. In Educating Students Experiencing Homelessness, Instability, and Disengagement, Ruby Payne presents a social cognitive framework highlighting the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and the critical roles of safety and belonging in activating students' prefrontal cortex for learning. Participants will gain practical tools for supporting students who face the challenging realities of homelessness and disengagement. Payne provides insights on:
Intervening when students become disengaged
Supporting students through instability and homelessness
Teaching students to navigate abstract school concepts, including digital skills, planning, and formal communication
Understanding the impacts of resource instability and environmental demands
Addressing the triad of homelessness, instability, and disengagement
Through this study, teachers will learn strategies to calm and engage students and explore ways to foster a supportive, accountable learning environment. As Dr. Tondelayo Westbrooks highlights, this book offers a comprehensive, science-backed approach that holistically addresses students’ social, emotional, physical, and academic needs. Join us in this deep dive into practical strategies for raising student achievement and building a community of support.
List of Workshops and Information We Offer at the RTC
Rome Teacher Center
!!! IMPORTANT NOTES !!! (Updated Dec 9 2024)
*** In-Service (Contact Hours) Credit:
ALL In-Service Credit Requests for the Feb 1, 2024 cycle must be turned in to the RTC by Wednesday, Jan 15th via hard copy or email to the RTC or Jessica. Any received after that date will be held for the July 2024 cycle.***
+++ (6/24/2021) New Teacher Center CTLE Certificate Requirements - more info now needed.+++
As a condition of renewal of our CTLE status with the NY State DOE , we are now required to collect and display the following trainee information on their training certificates:
- Date of Birth
- Last 4 digits of SSN
This information is required when you submit CTLE hours to the State. If they audit any of our records going forward they want to be able to positively identify certificate holders. Records must be kept a minimum of eight years. NOTE: We do not require this information for Contact Hour certificates submitted to the RCSD for in-service credits.
Before we issue a CTLE completion certificate, we will be asking for DOB and last 4 of SSN. Without the data - we can't issue a cert.
*** Please SIGN-IN when entering the RTC Lab: ***
The Lab is closed when no staff is present. Please DO NOT use the Poster Printer or Laminator without a Lab Staff member present. Lab days and hours could change with short notice. Bookmark this page and check the hours section above.
For the most efficient use of lab resources, when at all possible - please come with items to print or laminate prepared ahead of time.
10/12/2023 - We have two desktop computers for users - one is dedicated to the Poster Printer. If multiple Lab users are present, there may not be an available computer until someone is finished. You may bring in your own laptop and connect to the RTC wireless network and color laser printers in order to do your work.
General Lab Info
The LAB is typically OPEN Mon, Tue, and Wed afternoons. The LAB is CLOSED when the RCSD or Jervis Library is closed - including Holidays and Snow Days. Check the list of day/times above frequently for updates.
-- If you have loaned items to return to the Teacher Center
Bring them in during Lab User Hours or Call or text Jessica at: 315-371-5488
My Learning Plan How-To:
Receive and Track Your CTLE Hours
Follow These Steps:
Register for the Event
Once the event is completed you must complete the Survey (if there is one assigned).
Mark Completed after you have attended a RCSD or RTC event.
For BOCES events:
Once your attendance has been marked by BOCES you must mark it Completed.
Other information:
Once all the above steps have been taken you may print a certificate.
If you have certificates from events that are not recorded in My Learning Plan you may upload them into My Learning Plan to keep a digital record of them.
-Scan the certificates onto your computer and then upload into My Learning Plan to track all your hours
in one place.
CTLE vs. Inservice vs. Graduate Hours
See Slide Presentation HERE
(click the arrow at upper right for full size copy of page below)

Important RCSD Forms:
Notification of Course of Study
Request for Advancement to Higher Salary Schedule
NYSUT Certification Webinars
Link to the RTA Professional Development Site (NOTE: you must authenticate with your rcsd.org account for access)
Coursework for Salary Advancement
Members are reminded that we are not allowed to work on coursework for salary advancement during school hours. Thus, refrain from any such activity between 9 am and 3 pm Monday through Friday.
Events & Course Offerings
Events & Classes will be held at the Rome Teacher Center unless otherwise stated.
Register for all Classes on My Learning Plan (Frontline)
15 Contact Hours = 1 In Service Credit
CTLE Hours May or May Not count towards In-Service Credit
See the "More" tab above for expanded descriptions
**Please scroll down and take our Course Survey. We would like your input.**
Coursework for Salary Advancement
Members are reminded that we cannot work on coursework for salary advancement during school hours. So, please don't do any such activity between 9 am and 3 pm Monday through Friday.