The Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) was established in 2000. There has been effective and regular communication between parents and our school. Parent volunteers have been offering great support in various ways, including assisting the implementation of OLE activities and voluntary work, helping to reheat students’ lunchboxes on school days and organizing interest classes on practical skills for parents. Since the establishment of the IMC in 2009, parents can be more involved in the school administration through their participation as parent managers. They can now take part in school policies more directly and get to understand our school and care for their children better. The Parent-Teacher Association Scholarship is awarded to students who have outstanding performance in conduct or students with outstanding performance in physical and aesthetic areas.

家教會早於 2000 年成立,家校溝通無間。家長義工隊積極協助學校推展校務,如擔任 OLE 學會導師、協助義工服務推展、為學生翻熱飯盒及為家長開設實用生活技巧興趣班。2009 年學校成立法團校董會,每年選出家長校董,家長可以更直接參與校政,認識學校,關心子女。此外,又設「家長教師會獎學金」以嘉許品行優異或在體藝方面有出色表現的學生。