Via Ripa

I used to hate the sand

but now all I want is to be buried in it

And I only loved the ocean

because you were there

I wish that time were frozen

Maybe we could stay here forever

If only your parents didn’t own you

I like you better when they don’t pull your strings

Lay down next to me and look at the stars

As much as we can before they’re covered with smoke

from the cigarette you hold between your teeth

I never was a fan of nicotine

but I still wish that cigarette were me

My hand is wide open and it’s right next to yours

Sitting next to you is so much different from before

But I don’t think I can kiss you

Even though I want to

Cause I'd probably catch fire

And I think you’d taste like ash

Rachael O'Neill, Grade 9

Creative Writing Major

"Via Ripa" was awarded an Honorable Mention from the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards