The Space Cowboy

I’m just sitting and staring

At the Earth,

So blue.

Watching the stars

And passing satellites,

Observing humanity

With a watchful eye,

I blaze through the sky

A lone space cowboy.

Hurtling through the void,

In my home,

Made of wires and gears,

Can get lonely.

But my resolve is unwavering,

My will unbroken.

I’ll continue to sit

With my eyes trained ahead.

My movements are purposeful and calculated.

A trail of light is my legacy,

Illuminating the unknown.

One day,

When the world caves in

And all we cared for is gone,

My light can guide you

Through the dark,

And into the great beyond

Where I am waiting,

Arms outstretched.

Although you may not know my name

Or the feats it took to make this vacuum

Of ice and nothingness,

A place for you,

I take solace

In the knowledge

That I followed my heart;

I love the place that it led me.

One day,


You can love it too.

Lucas Davis, Grade 11

Creative Writing Major