Life is a Beach

Inspiration inspired by resistance revolting per revolution

Countless ideas that are fought for, fight for a solution

Individuals individualized as greedy, greed for change exchanged.

Countless revolutionaries that fight, fought to not be seen as deranged.

If life's such a beach, then where does the water cease?

It doesn't stop, it consumes everything. You can't control the seas.

Mismatched pieces attempt to prevent, but they're just rocks and sand.

They keep attempting to prevent the traditional wave consuming our "perfect" land.

The revolutionaries will march, and block the roaring waves.

But we can't let them be overcome by such unscrupulous knaves.

That's why even though the hardest hurt, the most traumatized stand and fight.

They will never be defined by their insecurity, anger, and fright.

The traditional sea won't ever quit, because it comes in waves and flights.

There's no stopping the people who choose wrong over right.

There isn't always saving, or leading them to help the sand.

There's only resisting and fighting until, eventually, the wave destroys our land.

Jackson Trieste-Gricius, Grade 9

Vocal Arts Major