Think Wide Open

my mother told me as a young girl that anyone can break boundaries:

it only takes people who are willing to use their minds.

with the aid of creativity and imagination,

i can be the link between the audience and the scenes.

i may have a pretty face,

but my voice is my proudest possession.

the stage was a calling for me to use it,

to work with powerhouses who are equally passionate,

and have the willingness to share as i do.

conveying ideas through theater allowed me to let my mind go,

to release my frustration at the world that’s dingy and flawed.

to use imagination as a wonderland for escape.

to engulf them in an environment other than their own.

visual art starts a discussion.

to create by digging deep,

to pour out the darkest parts of yourself on a canvas,

because no one will ever think like me.

i will always have my understanding and expression,

that no able body can take from me.

but performances have the ability to introduce us,

to new perspectives and unlimited conversations.

i desire to discover what other fluent art can be found,

to think wide open, persevere through all in my way,

to be imaginative through my path,

because it's molded just for me.

Claire Wild Munley, Grade 12

Drama Major