About Me

    • Phone: 715-262-5389, ext. 4102 (please call before or after school, or during my prep time)
    • Email: budwortht@prescott.k12.wi.us (best form of contact; please email me any time)
    • Classes I teach: English II, Honors English II, Communication Skills, Graphic & Digital Literature

A little about me:

    • I have been a licensed English teacher since 2011 and have taught in Prescott my entire career. Before teaching, I was a stay-at-home mom, so I've gone from one rewarding career to another.
    • I am a resident of Prescott and have five children, two of which graduated from PHS.
    • I am an avid reader, and I have made it a tradition to read Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice every year over the Christmas break. I learn something new every time I read it!
    • I have played competitive volleyball in Hastings for 22 years.