5th Grade

Welcome to 5th Grade!

We are excited to start a new year with your child!

Contact Information

Prescott Intermediate: 715-262-2383

Alexis Magnino 

Email: magninoa@prescott.k12.wi.us

Brad Matzek

Email: matzekb@prescott.k12.wi.us

Helen Raebel

Email: raebelh@prescott.k12.wi.us 

Jamie McDonough

Email: mcdonoughj@prescott.k12.wi.us 

Grade Level Expectations

5th Grade Expectations

As we begin the school year, each classroom teacher will be going over our classroom and building wide expectations. One of our focuses in 5th grade is preparing students for middle school and helping them develop an increased level of independence and responsibility. As a grade level, we will be keeping track of late assignments and behavior concerns. We will spend the first few weeks making sure all students have a clear understanding of expectations and procedures. The general expectations regarding academics and behavior are outlined below. 

