Sra. Ally Firestone


About Sra. Firestone


Welcome to my teacher website. 2022-2023 will be my 9th year at Rockmart High School. I currently teach Spanish I and Dual Enrollment Spanish through Georgia Highlands College. My goal is for students to experience as much as they can of the 21 Spanish-speaking countries through the seat of their chair in the classroom.

BA: Modern Languages/Spanish, Georgia Southern University

MA: Spanish/Applied Linguistics, The University of Alabama

My Schedule:

1st Period: Spanish 1
2nd Period: Planning
3rd Period: Dual Enrollment SPAN 1001
4th Period: Spanish 1 (with 4th lunch)
5th Period: Spanish 1
6th Period: Spanish 1
7th Period: Spanish 1

Google Classroom Codes:

1st Period: frzvbfq

4th Period: cnojqnx

5th Period: vjo2gsk

6th Period: 6r4c6k2

7th Period: 4ngwpxo