Adam Dean

Science (Biology and Human Anatomy & Physiology)

Samuel Adam Dean

Hello all,

Welcome to my website. I want to give you a quick background of who I am.

EDUCATION: My first day as a teacher was January 3rd, 2022. I am a 2005 graduate of Rockmart High School. I was born and raised in Rockmart, Georgia; moved around all over the place for a while as I matured; and found my way back here as an adult. I attended Bridgewater College and Shorter Colleges for academia and to play football in the beginning of my education career. I took some time off to find myself and then completed some classes at Georgia Highlands while working many different jobs from server to construction. I completed my bachelors in biology at Kennesaw State University where I graduated in 2017.

PERSONAL: I am married to my best friend with whom together we have 3 awesome children that my world revolves around. Science is my passion. I enjoy being out in nature whether it is hiking, camping, or kayaking. I am a competitive person who enjoys athletics and I work hard to maintain good physical fitness. I love food and cooking and try to eat as clean and whole as possible. I have goals to create a self sustainable farm. I'm also a nerd who enjoys many things digital and technology related. I'm a gamer. I also love drawing. I try to take on as many endeavors as possible as I have always desired to be well rounded and soak up as much wisdom as I can. I believe that balance is key.

TEACHER GOALS: I want to make science as fun and interesting for you as I think it is. I believe that life is a amazing when we observe it at all levels and to me that is what science all about. It's about exploration I hope that my enthusiasm for science is contagious. Not only do I see my role as a teacher of science but also as a role model. As a new teacher, I have lots of growing to do, but I know that as I move forward, I will strive to be better for my students and for myself as well. I care about the kids that walk through my door every day and I want to see you succeed. I look forward to meeting you and exploring our understanding of this world together.

My Schedule:

1st Period: Biology
2nd Period: Biology
3rd Period: Biology
4th Period: Planning
5th Period: Anatomy
6th Period: ISS
7th Period: ISS

Remind Codes:

Biology: @deanbio21

Anatomy & Physiology: @deanap21

Google Classroom Codes:

Add your codes here.