About us

We are a small business focused on providing quality plant life and painted rocks. We have a staff of about 3 workers and work hard to provide the best products possible.

Our products 

We focus on selling native plants from New Zealand. Each plant being locally grown. We also sell painted rocks which have painted personally by locals. We also will most likely sell a small amount of seeds and seedlings.

Our native plants

Our plants are our top seller and the most popular product we have. We have many types of native plants and each is locally grown. 

Our painted rocks

Our rocks come in a huge amount of colours, like:
green, red, orange, pink, and more! We focus on providing the best painted rocks in the market. You can even request a personal design from our colour selection!

Come on down to Opoho Garden Shop and find yourself a bargain!!!

We offer cheap prices for all of our customers, we WILL deliver on our promises. 

Small Plants $3

Small Rocks $2

Seedling $2

Bag of Seeds $1

Large Plants $5

Large Rocks $3

Personally Designed Rock $4

Kā mihi! Thank you, we look forward to seeing you here!

The Ōpoho Garden Shop

Tūhiku, James, Olivia, Gregor, Arthur