Kia ora, and welcome to Lucky Leprechauns!

Our business is a lucky dip. Pay $1 and see if you're lucky and get a sweet treat!

Mission statement: Our goal for our business is to give our customers as much satisfaction and joy as possible. we will try our best to make sure our customers walk away satisfied with whatever item they win.

Description: Our business is a lucky dip. We chose it because it wont be hard to set up and we will only need a couple of different items.

Promotion and Marketing: We are promoting our business digitally. Our name is the lucky leprechauns and our logo is made of a box with our name, a hat on the edge of the box that has a four leaf clover wrapped around it and then another four leaf clover on the bottom on the box. 

Profit margin: We will be charging $1 per dip.

Kā mihi, thank you for your support!