Sra. Sorensen

Clases Kinder, 1ro. y 2do. grado de primaria

Bienvenidos a mi Clase!

Welcome to my class!

In this course the students will be learning about Spanish language and culture through a variety of activities and resources. Through these activities you will learn the skills you will need to survive in a Spanish-speaking world.

Since it takes at least 500 hours of practice to learn a language, we will practice and practice Spanish by spending the majority of the class period in Spanish. Though your student won't understand everything at first, it will get easier as the kids practice and participate in the class. The keys to learning a language are patience and practice. During the school year I love to see the progress of your children in the acquisition of the Spanish language.

In class I like to use different kinds of techniques to teach Spanish in the classroom full of kids with different styles of learning.

Although there are some things that you can do at home to help your student become more proficient, for example; ask what they are learning in Spanish class, hang the work paper of the week in a place where you can refer to practice with the pictures, and the vocabulary words. We use songs in YouTube that your kids can sing to you, also I have a page in the web site Quizlet (write susu197 in the box search) where you can look up the vocabulary words with flash cards of each unit during the year, and practice with fun games.

I am very happy for the opportunity to work with your kids! Any questions please let me know. Thanks,

Sra. Sorensen


Learn about different cultures,

open new horizons of the world that surrounds us.