

Students have full access to OCDSB databases at home through Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).

Click Here to login (you need to use your OCDSB email address and password )

  • once you login the Databases are under Grade 7-12 (look below)
  1. askON - is a real-time chat & SMS research and information service developed by Ontario libraries and Ask Ontario

  2. Britannica School - reference information in English

  3. Canadian Encyclopedia - a free, bilingual online resource that offers the largest collection articles focused on Canada's history and culture

  4. EBSCO Databases - is provider of research databases, e-journals, magazine subscriptions, ebooks, etc.

  5. TVO Mathify - offers practical, interactive digital learning tool and live free 1:1 online after school math tutoring with an Ontario Certified Teacher

  6. Learn360 - streaming of feature films, documentary videos, images and articles

  7. Mindomo - is a mind mapping/brainstorming tool

  8. OERB - online virtual resources for our curriculum

  9. Ottawa Citizen - source of Canadian and world News

  10. Universalis - is a French language encyclopedia

  11. mtel - communication and literacy skills tests

  12. Xello - interactive career, personality, and learning style assessments to help students better understand their unique interests, skills, and strengths