Inspiring Stars

the IAU inclusive world exhibition


October 19, 2018 | Santiago, Chile | 3 - 6 pm

Venue Location: Auditorio Biblioteca Nicanor Parra, Calle Vergara 324

PROGRAM (Preliminary)

(Expected audience: people related with education, science, disabilities, media and general public.)

15:00 - 16:40 | Panel and Discussion

16:40 - 17:00 | Coffee-break

17:00 - 18:00 | Exhibition "Inspiring Stars"

Inclusive Stations

Station 1. Tactile CARDIS (Coordinates and Relative Dimension in Space)

Tactile grid for teaching mathematics, including the conversion between Cartesian and Spherical coordinates.

Credit: Kathy DeGioia Eastwood (Northern Arizona University) & Wanda Diaz Merced, IAU Office of Astronomy for Development

Link to Resource here.

Station 2. Inclusive Solar Telescopes

Both sighted and blind participants will be able to observe the Sun.

Credit: Station 1. Allyson Bieryla; Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics.

Station 3. Astronomy Tactile Posters

Braille and tactile illustrated posters in English on galaxies, Sun, etc.

Credit: Amy Hansen, Thomas Madura, Kimberly Arcand; Harvard Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics

Station 4. Radio Jove -- the Radio Telescope

The radio jove project teaches people how to build a radio telescope and monitor bursts of energy from the Sun and Jupiter.

Credit: James Thieman.

Station 5. Tactile Light Curves & Sonification Prototype

Charts translated into tactile and lesson on calculations with it. Computer display translating astronomy measurements into sound.

Credit: Office of Astronomy for Development.

Station 6. Astronomy For All

Credit: Erika Labbe W., Chile

In collaboration with:

Núcleo de Astronomía de la Universidad Diego Portales