Teaching Through Technologies at the Frontline Communities of Energy Sustainability in Alaska

Adam Low

Alaska has been the frontline of climate change and energy resources. Accelerated warming has been thawing permafrost and damaging coastlines and infrastructure. At the same time, Alaska is a critical domestic source for oil as well as for key metals needed for renewable energy and energy storage, although rural isolated communities struggle with the high cost of energy. This talk will share stories from a program that engages community members, students, and scientists to work together through environmental monitoring and citizen science. T3 Alliance (Teaching Through Technology) is a process that support students to develop tech and leadership skills in a safe environment. They are then encouraged to utilize the design thinking process with community members and scientists to raise awareness and solve local problems. Adam will describe his experience teaching in a town devastated by the Exxon Valdez oil spill, and a number of student-driven projects that build capacity within communities to develop energy security. ​