Welcome to 203!

Mrs. Hendershot



Remind Code: @hender203

mark your calendars:

September 25th > NO SCHOOL - Prof. Dev. Day for staff

September 26th > VIRTUAL parent meeting on standards-based grading & report cards

October 4th > Fall Festival & Programs Night = 4:30 - 6:30pm

If your child is not feeling well, please remember to consult MaST's Daily Screening Tool. After looking over the symptoms, and if you deem it necessary, please then fill out the "Student - Potential/Confirmed COVID Notification Form." If your child has a confirmed case, this form should be filled out as well.  

If your child needs to be absent, for any reason, please remember to fill out the MaST's Absence Excuse Note Submission Form

Please click on the link below, to see the slide show that was shared at Back to School Night (9/5/23). 

Slide show