Art History Project

by 2A Liceo Classico Quadriennale at Madonna della Neve, Adro, Brescia

End-of-the-year online workshop carried out by the students of 2A Classico Quadriennale at Licei Madonna della Neve. "Involving, inspiring, improving": this is our motto. Visual Arts in English is the subject matter of our project. Students used and also improved their language and IT skills while collecting information on some key-works of English Romanticism and French Impressionism. Read the descriptive sheets, take a virtual tour through our gallery and watch the students’ videos.

We hope you will enjoy and appreciate what you find!

This Virtual Gallery includes an introduction to all the paintings analysed by the students during the workshop.

Click on the Gallery for a Virtual Tour!

To create this site the students discussed and analysed a series of paintings from two major Art periods: Romanticism and Impressionism. Each of the eight groups focused on a peculiar aspect of the aforementioned periods: the Sublime and the Beautiful as theorized by Edmund Burke, and the representation of Water and City Life in a few Impressionist masterpieces.

First, the students prepared a descriptive sheet of the painting together with a biography of the artist, then they found links to other artworks presenting similarities. They finally produced interactive videos, which you can watch



You can watch them work on the project by visiting the Backstage page


Dare to dare...take our quiz to test your knowledge!

Project by: Roberta Longhi and Maria Chiara Cattaneo (class teachers)

Special thanks to:

Carmel and Anthony Knox for their precious assistance (teachers from Newcastle and friends)

Alessandra Bardelloni and Maddalena Drera for their fab IT skills (both teachers at our school)

All the students of grade 2A KQ for their commitment and hard work



This site is the ingenious product of all the students and their teachers; no copyright infringement is intended. This site is for educational/academic purposes only. If you think we failed in crediting your work in the correct way, please consider contacting us. For this reason, please refer to the Credits page for a full bibliography -webliography and for image credits.Accordingly, if you want to use the pages contents for educational/academic purposes, please be kind and add our site to your credits, thank you.