Español 1AB

¡Bienvenidos! Welcome to Señora Stivers-Chambers' website for Spanish here at A.E. Wright Middle School. Here you will find links for the calendar, vocab lists, and other helpful links for studying. Feel free to email me with any questions at

Spanish 1AB is a college prep, high school level course. Students who complete the both years with a grade of a B or better may enter into Spanish 2 in 9th grade. We will be using the textbook ¡Qué Chévere! which includes an online textbook and workbook. Students will not receive a textbook but can access the book and other resources through Clever.

If you are unable to scroll down on an assigned activity, please zoom out on your computer (for Acers hold "Ctrl -" or "Ctrl +" and for Macs hold "Command -" or "Command +").

Grades will be posted through Aeries. If a student is absent near the end of the week, he/she may show a missing HW assignment. It will remain "missing" until they return and the final homework assignment for the week is checked.

My Classroom Management Plan and class rules can be found here.

Learning a new language can be difficult for many students. If a student is struggling, that student should feel free to come and ask me for help and talk to me about his/her concerns.

Required materials:

  • AEW organizer

  • 3-ring binder, composition book, or spiral notebook

  • lined paper

  • blue/black pens, red pens, pencils

  • ear buds or headphones

Recommended materials:

  • composition book to better organize notes

  • post-its

  • colored pencils

Teacher Wish List - for families who feel so inclined, I would appreciate donations of Kleenex (or other facial tissues), hand sanitizer, and/or colored pencils!