Mental Health, Wellness and Community Resources for Families

The Mental Health, Wellness, and Community Resources for Families website has moved. Please click here to access updated resources for families.

LCPS Mental Health Staff

If you are uncertain about the best approach for supporting your child’s mental health needs during the school closure, you can email the school-based mental health professionals at your child’s school to ask questions. Mental health staff are expected to respond within 24 hours (not including weekends), therefore this resource should not be used for urgent situations. You may contact your child's school-based team by following this link: School Resource Contacts.

Visit the LCPS website for more information about COVID-19 Preparedness at LCPS.

Visit the LCPS website for more information about Continuity of Education at LCPS.

*Please note that these providers are being provided to you as a courtesy, for information only, and the parent/guardian should understand that no assurances or guarantees regarding these providers are being made by sharing their names. Loudoun County Public Schools neither endorses, approves, nor recommends any specific provider listed. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to determine whether or not the service meets their specific need. Parent/guardians are encouraged to interview outside providers to make a personal decision regarding the best source of assistance for their student.