The Counselor's Corner

Welcome to Mrs. Lofstrom's Counselor Corner!

Make a Counseling Referral

To make a referral to the counselor, just click the button labeled "Counseling Referral" and fill out the form. This form will get sent to the counselor for follow-up. Please fill out all of the information to the best of your ability. This referral process is to ensure that no student is overlooked!


  • Any students interested in applying at University of Minnesota-Duluth could receive a $500 scholarship if their application is in before October 15th! They have also waived the testing requirement this year.. so no ACT scores are needed for the application!

  • Students in the top 20% with a 3.75 GPA are qualified for the Hagan Scholarship. The link to read more and apply is Applications are due Nov. 15th!

Counseling Office Calendar

Bertha-Hewitt School Counseling Program Mission Statement

The mission of the Bertha-Hewitt School Counseling Program is to provide a widespread, developmental curriculum focused on each students' growth potential within the context of his or her individual, family, multicultural and human perspective. Our program strives to assist students in becoming responsible citizens and lifelong learners through the academic, career, and social/emotional domains.