Operations Research &
Artificial Intelligence Lab 

ORAIL 학부 연구생 및 대학원생 모집 관련 공지 사항
20251학기 대학원생 1명 모집 예정 (석박통합 혹은 박사과정 우대) 
학부 연구생은 3-4학년 중에 대학원 지원 예정자만 모집 예정

ORAIL 2024년 GPS 관련 공지사항

2024년 GPS 1개 팀 모집 예정 (본 연구실 학부 연구생 GPS 희망시 우선 배정)
GPS 모집 관련 공고는 2023년 말 혹은 2024년 초에 본 연구실 홈페이지를 통해 공지 예정

언제든지 문의사항 있으면 youngbum.hur@inha.ac.kr 로 문의 바랍니다. 

Research Area of ORAIL

ORAIL stands for Operations Research & Artificial Intelligence Lab. My primary research interests are at the interface of optimization and machine learning. Combinatorial optimization is a fundamental problem in computer science. Even though finding the optimal solution of combinatorial optimization problem is mostly NP-hard. I believe machine learning techniques can help to make faster optimal decisions in real-world applications. I focus primarily on discrete optimization, a core paradigm in operations research and design data-driven approaches for solving large-scale problems in the areas of manufacturing, transportation, logistics and health care. These are some research topics that I was/am interested in, but I'd be open to discussing other interesting topics as well.

Operations Research
Manufacturing (e.g., semiconductor)
Scheduling (e.g., personnel scheduling)
Transportation (e.g., railway, airline)
Travel (e.g., hotel)

Artificial Intelligence (Machine Learning, Deep Learning)
Out-of-distribution detection
Semi-supervised learning / Self-supervised learning
Network calibration
Active learning

Quantum Computing
Quantum Approximated Optimization Algorithm (QAOA)
Quantum Annealing (QA)

For prospective students and postdocs

We always look for graduate (or undergraduate internship) students and postdoc collaborators with a strong interest in the area of operations research and machine/deep learning. If you are interested in joining our lab, send me an email (youngbum.hur@inha.ac.kr) with your transcript or CV.