Advanced Placement (AP) Information

The Advanced Placement program, also known as AP, is administered by The College Board (the same organization responsible for the SAT and PSAT exams). It allows students to participate in a college-level course while still in high school. Secondary schools and colleges cooperate in the AP program to give students the opportunity to demonstrate mastery of and possibly earn college credit for specific college-level courses by taking the AP exam in May.

Because colleges and universities demand that AP courses offer the equivalent curricula as first-year college courses, all high school AP instructors must submit their course syllabi for an audit to the College Board, which reviews and determines whether to certify the course as AP-level. Certified courses and the high schools that offer them are published annually for college and university admissions boards.

Why take AP.docx

Why take AP?

Reviews the major benefits of taking AP courses

Important Dates

Week of 9/13

Create a College Board account, utilize AP course codes to join appropriate courses

By 11/8

Determine if you are going to take the AP exam- this year students must manually select “No” if they do not want to order an exam- students who make changes to their exam order after this date will be charged $40

Until 2/1

Request financial assistance by completing the Google Form

By 2/15

Pay for AP exams

AP Student and Parent/Guardian Contract

AP Student Contract


Translated copy of AP Student and Parent/Guardian Contract

AP Student Contract


Questions or concerns about AP? Please contact Sami Hayden, GHS AP Coordinator-